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Lecture Series

I GERFAM Lecture Series

October 9 and 10, 2013

To complement and assist in the training of students, by encouraging activities outside the classroom, the Study Group on Ruminants and Forage Farming in the Amazon (GERFAM) was formed, a university extension project regulated by the Office of the Vice-Rector for Extension (PROEX). In order to continue its activities, on October 9 and 10, 2013, GERFAM promoted the 1st Lecture Series, with an emphasis on green livestock farming. The 1st GERFAM Lecture Series had the participation of the following lecturers: Moacyr Bernardinho Dias Filho; Maria Cristina Mano; Célia Maria Braga Calandrini de Azevedo; Leandro Frederico Ferraz Meyer.

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II GERFAM Lecture Cycle

September 24th and 25th, 2014

During the 24th and 25th of September 2014, GERFAM promoted the group's II Cycle of Lectures. With the theme "Perspectives for Ruminant Production in the North Region" the group brought teachers from UFRA and UFPA, Castanhal Campus as lecturers to discuss the topics. Thus, the II Cycle of GERFAM Lectures included the participation of teachers: Carissa Michelle Goltara Bichara (UFRA); Fabricio Khoury Rebello (UFRA); André Guimarães Maciel e Silva (UFPA) and Felipe Nogueira Domingues (UFPA). The event was supported by the Institute of Animal Health and Production (ISPA), UFRA's Dean of Extension and the Pará Goat and Sheep Research Center (CPCOP).

III GERFAM Lecture Cycle

May 14th and 15th, 2018


On May 14th and 15th, 2018, GERFAM promoted its III Cycle of Lectures. With the theme entitled "Beef Cattle Production Chain: from farm management to product quality", the group brought up recent discussions linked to the livestock sector. GERFAM's III Cycle of Lectures included the participation of speakers: Otávio Rodrigues Machado Neto; Daniel Acatauassu Freire; Dácio Campos de Carvalho and Arilson Moraes Cardoso. The event had the support of the Institute of Animal Health and Production (ISPA), UFRA Extension Dean and ASCOM-UFRA, in addition to the sponsorship of the companies Mafripar, DSM-Tortuga, KWS, Grupo Gasparim and SENAR-Pará.

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