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Grupo de Estudo em Ruminantes e Forragicultura da Amazônia
Study Group on Ruminants and Forage Production of the Amazon

​Research Projects
Effects of inclusion of patauá cake, Oenocarpus bataua in elephant grass silages
The study indicates that the byproduct of patauá oil extraction could be an interesting additive to be used in elephant grass silage. The results contribute to the reduction of environmental impacts generated by the production of effluents in the tropical grass silage process and provide a potential use for the residue from patauá oil production, avoiding its disposal in the environment. SEE MORE
​Use of cassava as a source of forage and energy concentrate in the Amazon biome
Cassava has proven potential for use in ruminant feed. However, this potential has not yet been explored in the Amazon region and there is still a need for information on the agronomic management of the crop for forage production and its impacts on root production. SEE MORE

​Diagnosis of the production and use of tropical grass silages in Brazil

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​Evaluation of different corn hybrids in the Northeast of Pará
The objective of the project is to characterize different corn hybrids intended for silage production, planted in the northeastern region of Pará (Igarapé-Açú). The region has precipitation above 2,000 mm in certain months of the year. Thus, the development of the project seeks to understand how the production and resistance of the hybrids work in these edaphoclimatic characteristics of the region. After harvest, the hybrids will be ensiled and the fermentation characteristics, microbiological composition and chemical composition of the silage will be evaluated.

​Evaluation of management in the production of corn silage in ruminant feeding
The objective of the project is to evaluate the effect of air exposure time and the use of bacterial inoculants in the reallocation of corn silages, on the fermentation characteristics, the nutritional value of silages, and the performance of sheep. The sale of silage, mainly corn, has increasingly driven the trade of preserved forages and is done mainly through the reallocation of the mass from one silo to another. The silage reallocation process is characterized by the production of silage, subsequent destocking, transportation, recompacting and sealing in a new silo, which can be resistant plastic bags, or mainly silos with large storage capacity on other properties (CHEN & WEINBERG, 2014).
​Use of residual frying oil in sheep feeding.

With the growth of sheep herds and the consequent intensification of production systems, the activity demands more ingredients for composing concentrated diets. These ingredients must ensure good animal performance and add value to the final product while maintaining low production costs. Utilizing residual frying oil in sheep feed can become an interesting alternative to increase the energy concentration of diets and reduce costs, as it is often discarded into the environment by users, becoming a serious pollutant.

​Fermentation characteristics and nutritional value of corn silages produced with plants harvested at two heights, inoculated or not.
Corn silage is one of the primary forage options used in ruminant feeding. However, management practices aimed at enhancing the efficiency of crop use during harvest and improving aerobic stability time still need to be consolidated. (SEE MORE)

Productivity, nutritional value and morphophysiological responses of the species Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania and cv. Massai under different defoliation frequencies throughout the year.
Ruminant production in Brazil is mainly based on the use of pasture as the main source of energy in diets. Proper management of pastures and the grazing system on the farm is of fundamental importance to increase productivity and reduce costs. (SEE MORE)

​Growth dynamics of Panicum maximum Jacq cv. Mombaça grass under different nitrogen fertilizations and conditions of high rainfall and high temperature.
​When climate and management conditions are adequate, grasses of the genus Panicum have high production per area, good nutritional value, high acceptability by animals, without presenting toxic or antinutritional principles, because in Af climate conditions, being a condition characterized by frequent rainfall in all months of the year, that is, absence of a seasonality in the rainfall regime, there is no seasonality in forage production as defined as in other places in Brazil. (SEE MORE)

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