Grupo de Estudo em Ruminantes e Forragicultura da Amazônia
Study Group on Ruminants and Forage Production of the Amazon
All the group's projects are first submitted and formalized to the Institute of Health and Animal Production, which in turn directs them to the relevant Pro-rectorate, whether it be research (PROPED), teaching (PROEN), or extension (PROEX). It is important to note that projects involving the use of animals are forwarded for review by the Ethics and Animal Use Committee (CEUA) at UFRA.
​Research Projects
GERFAM will prioritize the development of integrated research in the area of ​​ruminant nutrition and forage farming, focusing efforts on the sustainable development of the Amazon region.
Research in the area of ​​forage farming will be directed towards the management, production and conservation of forage crops used in the Amazon region. The development of research into the recovery of degraded pastures will be encouraged, in order to encourage the use of existing areas for production.
Research into ruminant nutrition will be developed mainly in the production chains of sheep, goat, cattle and buffalo farming, both for meat and milk. Research will be developed using by-products from agro-industries in the Amazon region.
The research will be financed by public-private partnerships and by project approval from funding agencies (Read more...).
Extension Projects
All of the group's extension projects are registered with the UFRA Office of the Vice-Rector for Extension. The projects include the promotion of Field Days with the dissemination of technologies, the main objective of which is to provide integration between rural producers, settlers, and communities with the institution and to disseminate technologies developed by the university.
Internally, the areas and sectors of the UFRA campus in Belém will be restructured. The areas will be monitored and managed by professors and teams formed by group members, the main objective of which is to simulate the conditions that occur in the management of rural properties (Read more...).