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V Ruminant Production Field Day


On August 26, 2017, the V Ruminant Production Field Day took place, promoted by the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (UFRA), through the Study Group on Ruminants and Forage Farming in the Amazon (GERFAM) and the Goat Research Center and Sheep of Pará (CPCOP). The activity was carried out at the UFRA School Farm (Feiga), located in the municipality of Igarapé-Açu (PA). The event was attended by the Director of the Institute of Animal Health and Production (ISPA) and deputy coordinator of GERFAM, Prof. Cristian Faturi, and the Deputy Dean of Extension, Prof. Jonas Elias Castro da Rocha. The field day was attended by 105 participants, including students from the Belém and Capanema campuses and private colleges, professionals and producers. During the event, topics such as forage production and conservation, health, management, nutrition and reproduction of ruminants were discussed. The GERFAM and CPCOP groups presented the results of research carried out and work in progress. The organizers express their sincere thanks to all those who participated and contributed to the success of the event. The event was supported by the Dean of Extension (PROEX), the Dean of Student Affairs (PROAES) and the City Hall, with sponsorship from the companies Flamboyant and Faepa/SENAR.

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