Grupo de Estudo em Ruminantes e Forragicultura da Amazônia
Study Group on Ruminants and Forage Production of the Amazon

Extension activity
Field Days are promoted with the dissemination of technologies, whose main objective is to provide the integration of rural producers, settlers, communities with the institution and disseminate technologies developed by the university, as well as the best methods of ruminant and pasture management.
The areas and sectors of the UFRA Belém campus are being restructured. Monitoring and management of the areas is being carried out by teachers and teams formed by members of the group, whose central objective is to simulate the conditions that occur in the management of rural properties.
Vacation courses and lecture cycles are also promoted to meet the needs of the academic community in the face of various factors in the area of Ruminant Nutrition and Forage Farming.
Click here to learn more about the extension projects developed by GERFAM.